NTDC/LEAF Report 2023 Released

19th July 2023

NTDC/LEAF - Contributing to a Net Zero Campus: A Technician's Perspective

The NTDC have released the second LEAF Report – Contributing to a Net Zero Campus: A Technician’s Perspective. LEAF, short for the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework, is a certification in green and sustainable science operations. Developed by UCL, it has quickly grown since its launch to become the largest programme of its kind globally and is in use in 14 countries and over 95 institutions.

Five pilot universities worked with the NTDC and LEAF to provide case studies from the perspective of participating technical colleagues, contributing to this second LEAF report. This report outlines the challenges and accomplishments that technical staff at the pilot sites have faced. It also provides recommendations for further ways the UK could support development of sustainable science and technical communities.

We would like to thank colleagues at the pilot universities: Newcastle University, The Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Liverpool, University of Reading and Edinburgh Napier University. Technical colleagues across the five institutions have provided valuable insight into the impact and benefit that they have in the implementation of sustainability changes and implementing the LEAF framework in technical areas. 👏

Read and download both LEAF reports here.