
Get in touch

If you have any questions, or to arrange a call regarding advertising job vacancies with NTDC, contact us.

Vacancy advertising with NTDC brochure

Vacancy advertising brochure text

Vacancy advertising with NTDC - Technical careers in higher education and industry

Why advertise vacancies with us?

The National Technician Development Centre is the leading organisation in supporting technical staff and services across the UK. Our website welcomes thousands of visits per month from technical professionals working within and beyond higher education. Our audience is targeted to those in technical services who are often looking for progress and develop their careers. When using the NTDC to advertise technical vacancies, you know you will reach your intended audience.

Vacancy advert pricing

£250 + VAT: Individual advert

Single vacancy advert on our website + social media promotion via Twitter. Please enquire for bulk advert discounts. Technical vacancy advertising is free for Partner Affiliate organisations.

Key information

In order to process the job vacancy advertisement, please send the following:

Vacancies must be a technical role.

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