The Survey

By the NTDC

Unlocking Insights for Brighter Technical Futures

Unlock the full potential of your technical services with The Survey. Our comprehensive survey covers every aspect of your technical workforce, from specialised technical skills to future career plans and development needs. Each institution receives a bespoke service and customised survey, tailored to support strategic workforce planning and to maximise the talents of your technical team. 

What is The Survey?

What does The Survey capture?

At the heart of our survey lies a robust and extensive Technical Skills Database. The survey adapts to each institution and captures data related to areas such as:

What does the NTDC offer?

The Survey Team’s expert guidance ensures a seamless experience for each institution by:

"Thanks to the NTDC Survey, we have now captured a significant amount of data and information to analyse and take us to the next phase of our plan. This will enable us to develop more robust succession planning and therefore sustainability of our technical skills."

University of Reading

Why run The Survey?

To benefit your institution through:

To benefit your technical staff through:

"We decided to undertake the NTDC Technical Skills survey as we wanted to gain a stronger understanding of the skills and experience of our large technical community. We aim to use the results to deep dive into the expertise we have across the institution to enable us to make strategic decisions around training and development requirements. We're also looking forward to receiving more detailed demographic data about our various technical communities so we can further develop our EDI initiatives."

University of Exeter

The Survey Resources

NTDC Technician Survey Brochure (Download)

NTDC Technician Survey Information Session (Recorded)

On May 14th 2024, The NTDC Technician Survey Team delivered an information session explaining the NTDC Technician Survey in detail. Participants heard from institutions about their experience delivering the survey. The team answered any questions about the survey, the process, and the outcomes.

The Technician Survey Benchmarking 

To read more about benchmarking work at the NTDC HDF lOOK HERE

“The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of our technical workforce, to be able to deliver positive change based on the key themes of the Technician Commitment. This includes raising the visibility of technicians and their contributions to the University, their skills, knowledge and qualifications enabling career progression and ensuring the future sustainability of those skills”.

University of Leeds

Case studies

Shane WSU.mp4

Video: Western Sydney University

Hear from Dr Shane Griffin at Western Sydney University about his experience leading the development of technical services at WSU. 

Video: University of Leeds

Hear from the University of Leeds as they communicated the importance of engagement with The Technician Survey that they delivered in 2024. 

Get in touch

If you have any questions, or you’d like to arrange a free presentation on the survey, including an in-depth look at what it captures, and the process of preparing the survey at each institution, email us at